Planning Commission Packet - April 1, 2025
3. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting of March 4, 2025
4. Public Hearings
- 3948 142nd Ave (70-16-07-100-007) – Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment - Request by Katie McGregor of Cornerstone Real Estate Management on behalf of Kim Niles Kinerk of Pine Creek Estates, LLC to rezone the subject property from R-1 Low Density Residential to R-3 High Density Residential.
- 3385 120th Ave (70-16-09-400-014) – Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment - Request by Tom Witteveen of Bauvanwitt Land Co. LLC to rezone the subject property from AG Agriculture to R-2A Medium Density Residential.
- 12429 Ransom St (70-16-04-100-008) – Special Land Use Permit - Request by Sam Nichols of RDV Corporation on behalf of MSA Lakeshore Center, LLC for Indoor and Outdoor Commercial Recreational Facility use approval. The subject property is conditionally zoned C-2 Community Commercial, with the restriction that the allowable uses on the property are limited to “Recreation facility, commercial, indoor” and “Recreation facility, commercial, outdoor”.
- 79 Clover Ave (70-16-28-276-042) – Special Land Use Permit - Request by Brian Johnson of Mannes Body Shop on behalf of Juan Pablo Perez of The Printery Inc for Vehicle Repair use. The subject property is zoned C-2 Community Commercial.
5. Other Business
- Macatawa Legends, south of New Holland St and east of 144th Ave – Amendment to the Macatawa Legends Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan - Review of Resolution and Report for Macatawa Legends.
- 12580 Quincy St & 0 (vac) Quincy St (70-16-09-100-024, -023 & -025 - Site Plan Review - Request by Emily Englehart of Redwood Living on behalf of L T Enterprises and Roger M Hill Trust for site plan approval of an attached single-family residential development. The subject properties are zoned R-3 High Density Residential.
- 0 (vac) Perry St (70-16-24-300-038) - Final Development Plan Approval for Eagle Meadows Condominium Planned Unit Development - Request by Tom Witteveen on behalf of Bauvan Land Co. LLC for final development plan approval of the Eagle Meadows Planned Unit Development. The proposed project would consist of a 32-unit residential condominium development.
- 470, 471 & 475 Howard Ave (70-16-30-150-035, 70-16-30-150-036 & 70-16-30-126-056) - Amendment to a P.U.D. Final Development Plan - Request by Mike Evenhouse of MTJ Holdings, LLC for an Other Minor Amendment to the 470 & 471 Howard Ave PUD for changes in the residential condominium development phase. Proposed changes consist of: (1) allowing Section 8.10.B of the Township Zoning Ordinance to apply to the P.U.D., which permits certain projections in setback areas; (2) allowances for minimum-sized code-compliant egress wells, grade level patios, areas for HVAC units, meters, generators or similar equipment to project or be located outside the building setback lines within 10 feet of any adjacent building setback line; (3) revisions to setback lines on condo units 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11; and (4) revisions to the driveway layout for condo units 5 & 6 and building footprints approximating 3,600 square feet at grade.