Zoning Board of Appeals Packet – January 28, 2025



4.  Approval of December 17, 2024 Minutes

5.  Public Hearings

a. 10135 Riley St (70-16-12-300-015) – Nonuse Variance
Petition submitted by Thomas Kraal for a variance from the 4:1 lot depth-to-width ratio for a lot of record with a depth of 662.34 feet and a width of 71 feet, resulting in a ratio of 9.32:1 for a proposed new lot. The subject property is zoned R-1 Low Density Residential.

b. 0 (vac) 104th Ave (70-16-36-300-015) – Nonuse Variance
Petition submitted Stephanie Hoekstra of Agora Flats, Inc. on behalf of Scott Potter of Ridge Point Community Church for a variance to allow a multi-family residential development on a street not classified as a Primary Road by the Ottawa County Road Commission in the R-2A Medium Density Residential District. The variance requested is part of a conditional rezoning for 7.05 acres of the subject property to change from AG Agriculture to R-2A Medium Density Residential.

c. 664 Tennis Ct (70-16-30-305-002) – Nonuse Variance
Petition submitted by Chad Bareman for variances consisting of: 1) 11-3/8 inches from the required 5 feet 11-3/8 inch side yard setback for the building wall, resulting in a side setback of 5 feet from western lot line; 2) 6 inches from the required 5-foot setback for a roof eave, resulting in a setback of 4 feet 6 inches from the eastern side lot line; 3) 1 foot 6 inches from the required 5-foot setback for a roof eave, resulting in a setback of 3 feet 6 inches from the western side lot line; 4) 1 foot from the minimum dwelling width of 20 feet, resulting in a dwelling width of 19 feet; 5) relief from the 3:1 length to width ratio for a single-family dwelling for a dwelling with a length of 72.5 feet and width of 19 feet, resulting in a ratio of 3.81:1 with the proposed addition; 6) 3.8% from the maximum 50% lot coverage permitted, resulting in a total lot coverage of 53.8%. The variances are being requested for an addition that connects the existing house to the existing garage. The subject property is zoned R-1 Low Density Residential and Macatawa Residential Setback Overlay.