Corey Broersma
Community Development Director
Kate White
Assistant Planner / Zoning Administrator
Zoning is located at the Holland Charter Township Offices (353 North 120th Avenue) and can be reached at (616) 395-0151.
Zoning ensures that the Township Ordinances are followed and maintained. Zoning also provides professional administrative staff to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Administrative duties include preparation of agendas and public notifications, review of construction permits for compliance with the Ordinance, site plan review and processing of all variance requests for the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Zoning is also responsible for issuing zoning permits for permanent and temporary/portable signs and agricultural structures as well as for the inspection of signs and agricultural structures to ensure compliance with the Holland Charter Township Zoning Ordinance.
Important Links
Planning and Zoning Application Fees
Township Maps
ZBA Schedule/Deadlines
The most common types of variance requests for the Zoning Board of Appeals are as follows:
Appeal Decision of Zoning Administrator - A request to appeal a decision that was made by the Zoning Administrator.
Zoning Board of Appeals - Petition for an Administrative Appeal
Change a Nonconforming Use to Another Nonconforming Use - A request to change the use of the property from a use not allowed for that property to another use not allowed for that property in the district (zone) in which the property is located.
Zoning Board of Appeals - Petition for Approval to Change a Nonconforming Use to Another Nonconforming Use
Extend a Nonconforming Use - A request to continue using the property for a use that is not allowed for that property in the district (zone) in which the property is located.
Zoning Board of Appeals - Petition to Extend a Nonconforming Use
Nonuse Variance - A request (also known as a dimensional variance) that typically involves setbacks, height limitations, bulk, lot area and other numerical standards in an ordinance.
Zoning Board of Appeals - Petition for a Nonuse Variance